Insights & Inspiration

In the 80’s it was called “Hard Work”. Then, in the 90’s it became “Smart Work”. After 2000 it was just “Work Work”. Today, after the long and lingering recession may we suggest “Heartwork”?

What makes Heartwork? Heartwork is doing what you love. If you can do it for good money, hats off. Heartwork is not defined by the type of work you do nor does it discriminate by industry, level of education, income, ethnicity or sex. Everyone is welcome. Rather, Heartwork is defined and united by a common purpose: People committed to doing something they care about -- and doing it well.

  • 2 min read
Since we began working on Heartwork, we have been discussing what we had long noticed as a general void of color in the office. For some reason, most options for office interiors and furniture fall into the Grey, Beige or Putty bucket. 
  • 2 min read
Between Superstorm Sandy and Super Tuesday, Americans have had a lot on their minds over the past few weeks.  Now more than ever, we are looking for direction and calm. At Heartwork we use these opportunities to not only pause and count our blessings but also look for inspiration. We are not ashamed to admit that we’ve found some across the pond from our pal, Anthony Burrill, who has summed it up perfectly. Get ready. It’s just this simple:  Work Hard and Be Nice to People. I mean, what could be more American that that? 
  • 1 min read
Color is important. Whether or not you are conscious of it, it effects how you feel in your space. Most people shy away from picking colors for the work space because it is an intimidating process and they don’t want to pick the wrong one. That’s why Heartwork collaborated with color genius Laura Guido-Clark of LGC Design [] to develop six exclusive colors that would enhance any office space. Here, Laura tells us all about what went into creating the Heartwork shade of Mint, which just may be our favorite. (Please don’t tell red.)
  • 2 min read
We appreciate the simple, elegant application of color. One red accent color in a sea of neutral finishes, allows the chairs, lamp and other details to pop.
  • 1 min read
Better than a fishbowl. This is a great simple, solution for creating a private meeting room that doesn't compromise the light or openness of one's space.
  • 1 min read
We at Heartwork think every really great workspace has a good dose of moxie. Moxie is more than just spirit, it has an element of courage and determinism which every small business owner, entrepreneur and artist needs. 
  • 2 min read
In the competitive world of tech, companies need offices that look really cool to attract top talent. But they also need offices with functional design so that they can get the most out of those talented employees by providing them with the kind of workspace that fosters productivity. 
  • 4 min read
Sure, your office may look cool, but is it ergonomically correct? Ergonomics often get the short shrift when you’re planning out your workspace but they are extremely important for your health and productivity. 
  • 3 min read
There’s been a lot of talk about how employees have to be flexible in the workplace. But it’s just as important for furniture and accessories in the workspace to be flexible, too, especially in the tech industry. Heartwork client Kelly Green, who runs facilities and IT for Thismoment, a San Francisco-based content management software company for large brands, knows what it’s like to have to grow and adapt offices frequently. Here, he gives tips for those who seek greater adaptability and explains why he’s passionate that his purchases are made in the USA.
  • 2 min read

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